Sunday, October 14, 2012

We are the Creator of our Voyage

The study of Sociology is no ordinary voyage. The truth is, I am embarking on a journey that takes me into the depth and heart of the world that surrounds us, as an observer, a participant and a creator.  Sociology is the study of the world that we, human beings, create. 

Sociology takes a look at the world as we have created it.
It is not enough to merely live in the world that has been given to us, but also to analyze and understand the many workings of our lives. We must explore how individuals and collectivities are constructed, maintained and altered in a social manner. I am intrigued by these things and am eager to examine social dynamics including culture, values, socialization, cooperation, conflict, power, exchange, inequality deviance, social control, violence, order and social change.

The world we live in contains a continuous number of pieces that can be joined together to create a greater understanding. This study is what we call Sociology.